
Great White Hope signs for Annecy 2018

By Duncan Mackay
British Sports Internet Writer of the Year

July 23 - Annecy 2018 have signed-up Christophe Lemaitre, the first white sprinter to break 10 seconds for 100 metres, who was born in the town, as the latest ambassador for its bid to host the 2018 Winter Olympics and Paralympics.

ODA average salary is £67,000, report reveals

By Duncan Mackay
British Sports Internet Writer of the Year

July 22 - The average salary of staff at the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) was nearly £67,000 ($102,353) according to figures published today, which also revealed that that £56,000 ($86,000) was claimed by senior executives on expenses, including memory sticks, Christmas cards and flowers.

South Korea to invest in new training centre at Pyeongchang

By Duncan Mackay
British Sports internet Writer of the Year

July 22 - South Korea's Government today announced they plan to invest 1.2 billion Won (£654 million/$1 million) to open a new training centre in Pyeongchang to help the country's top sportsmen and women to prepare for the 2014 Sochi Olympics and Paralympics and also 2018, which they hope to host.