May 2 - A new series of pins has been announced today and they all feature the popular Union Flag theme. The first are a set of 3 flag/logo pins pairing the Union Flag with the Olympic Games logo in white and flag colours and also with the Paralympic Game slog in white.

We would imagine that these will be very popular and have no details on issue sizes at the moment.

Continuing the red, white and blue theme are a pair of hat pins showing a bowler hat with a Union Flag logo and also a patriotic top hat with a white Games logo. Although we do not know issue sizes at the moment, remember the previous bowler hat pin sold out fairly quickly. 

The final two pins announced today are the Team GB heart and star pins to compliment the Paralympics version issued last week.

Like the Paralympics GB versions, these two pins are limited to 2,012 pieces.

All of these pins should be available very soon.